Mental Health Services

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1 in 5 children in the United States are diagnosed with a mental health disorder (CDC). Millions of children each year receive a diagnosis of anxiety, depression, ADHD, Autism, behavior and conduct disorders. Mental Health in children impacts the way they learn, behave, and regulate their emotions. While our team at Soul Skills does not diagnose children with mental health conditions, we strategically partner with psychiatrists and psychologists that do. In collaboration with other mental health professionals, we develop a plan of care to best support your child.

Many different medications can be offered to decrease the intensity and frequency of symptoms of a mental health condition. While medication can be extremely effective, it is only one piece of the puzzle. In order to maximize the desired results of medications, it is imperative to also provide children and families with appropriate psychosocial supports. At Soul Skills, we educate and empower each of our clients to develop positive coping skills that are meaningful to them. Our team members specialize in a multitude of coping strategies including self-soothing, emotional awareness, mindfulness, and opposite action. When children and teens master coping skills, they are able to better regulate both their emotions and behaviors. If your child’s mental health impacts their social, emotional, or academic lifestyle, our Specialists are here to offer numerous modalities of support. Through education, boundary setting and teaching healthy coping strategies, our team empowers clients to live fulfilling and successful lives despite the realities of a mental health condition.


“Sara changed our lives. Our child has been working with her for the last 18 months. Sara’s ability to connect with our child is unlike any other. We have seen top psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists prior to meeting with Sara. The progress we have seen in the past 18 months with Sara has been infinitely more impactful than any other service provider.”

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